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3D rendering of partial dentures being placed on a lower jaw with missing back teethToday, dentures have become common as they are comfortable and function like natural teeth. There are usually two types of dentures: complete and partial dentures. So what is the difference, and which one is the best for your dental condition? You can visit GOREgeous Smiles to learn which one is suitable for you and to find out if there are other dental options apart from dentures that may benefit you.

The Difference Between Partial and Complete Dentures

The most common difference between these two dentures is that the partial denture is used to replace a few teeth, while a complete denture replaces all of your teeth, just like the name suggests. If you want a complete denture, you will have all of your healthy and unhealthy teeth extracted for the denture to fit well. Unlike partial dentures, full dentures provide a more natural look and are very comfortable to wear. They also need to be well taken care of as they are made of plastic. Our dentists always advise patients to remove and clean them while they go to bed and soak them in water to keep the denture moist throughout the night.
On the other hand, partial dentures can replace one or two teeth. They are small and clasp on the adjacent teeth to your dental gap. Like complete dentures, they also need care and maintenance.

Which Is the Best Denture to Use?

Your dentist will determine the type of denture suitable for your dental condition. If you have more teeth missing, you and the dentist will discuss whether it will be necessary to remove the rest of your teeth to get a complete denture. During the discussion, your dentist will run a few measurements and exams to know how much space is in your mouth and how your denture should fit. You will also be required to test your custom-made model to see if they fit properly. If they do not, the dentist will make some adjustments by taking more measurements.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures are essential dental tools that help patients restore their smiles and maintain their oral health. Unlike implants, dentures allow people prone to gum infection and other oral infections to heal faster. It also eliminates any form of pain from the mouth, especially toothaches. Partial dentures also help support the remaining teeth while ensuring they stay in their correct position. Apart from that, dentures improve your facial appearance by preventing your face from appearing sunken.

Caring for Dentures

Treating your dentures like natural teeth will ensure they last longer and will prevent you from potential mouth infections caused by bacteria. They need to be cleaned every day, especially after a heavy meal. If neglected, tartar will build up, causing bad breath, stains, and gum infections. Dentures also need to be removed and cleaned gently to avoid breaking or damaging the denture. They are fragile equipment and can quickly break if dropped or pressed tightly.

To get the best dentures, visit our GOREgeous Smiles clinic. Our dentists will run a quick dental exam on your mouth and get you a comfortable denture. Schedule an appointment today with our dentist through 480-585-6225.

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Dentures Scottsdale AZ | Complete & Partial Denture Solutions
Restore your smile with complete or partial dentures at GOREgeous Smiles in Scottsdale. Custom-fit, natural-looking dentures for comfort and confidence. Call now!
Rod W. Gore, DDS, 8535 E. Hartford Drive #208, Scottsdale, AZ 85255, 480-585-6225,, 3/6/2025, Related Phrases: dentist Scottsdale AZ,