Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases in the United States. Left untreated, it can cause pain and infections that may result in speaking, eating, playing, and learning problems.

Your baby is at risk of developing tooth decay as soon as the first tooth sets in. The good news is that it is preventable through good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups.

Rod W. Gore DDS, Scottsdale’s trusted family dentistry, offers these tips for keeping your baby’s teeth healthy and cavity-free:

Cleaning Your Baby’s Teeth and Gums

It’s important to stay on top of your baby’s oral health even before the first tooth erupts. Here’s what to do:

  • Start wiping your baby’s gums within the first few days after birth. A dampened gauze pad or washcloth works perfectly, but you can also purchase finger cots that can be worn over the finger. The rule of thumb is to clean your infant’s mouth at least twice a day or after every feeding.
  • When your baby’s first tooth appears, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush designed for children under two years old. It may take a while for them to adjust to the sensation of a toothbrush in their mouth. In this case, you can keep using a soft cloth or gauze and gradually re-introduce the toothbrush until they get used to it.
  • Remember to only use water until your baby is 24 months old. Never use toothpaste on babies under the age of two as they don’t know how to spit yet. You can start your child on fluoride-free infant and toddler toothpaste as soon as their dentist gives the go signal. Use a grain-size amount for babies under three years old.

The Best Way to Clean Your Baby’s Teeth

  • Angle your baby in a way that’s comfortable for both of you. You should be able to have a clear view of their mouth. This could either be sitting on a bed or floor with your baby’s head on your lap.
  • Gently hold your baby’s chin in your hands, with their head pressed against your body.
  • Open your baby’s mouth and wipe gums and teeth (if there are any) using soft, circular motions.

When to Take Your Baby to the Dentist
Asian mother letting her baby gobble up safe to eat food

Experts recommend taking your child to the dentist after the first tooth sets in. This is around 6 months old or at least before their first birthday. The dentist can catch early signs of teeth problems, including decay. They can also provide advice on how to manage teething and habits like thumb sucking.

Your Family Dentist in Scottsdale, Arizona

Routine dental check-ups should be a part of your baby’s care plan. Rod W. Gore DDS offers a range of dental services for patients of all ages, including infants. We devise an oral care plan custom-fit to your budget and child’s needs.

For your convenience, we provide online dental consultations. Simply upload your baby’s smile photo, and we will create a video response with recommendations.

Stay on top of your baby’s oral health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.